April 2023.
Unfortunately the site steam boiler has accumulated a number of too-expensive-to-solve problems and so was permanently taken out of service in 2021. Therefore, for the foreseeable future, the museum will have no steam.
Alternative means of driving engines are now as follows -
The Goddard & Massey beam engine is running by vacuum, effectively as an atmospheric engine.
The ex- “Reliant” paddle tug Port engine has an electric motor drive, recently remodelled, as has also the ex- River Thames launch Sisson triple-expansion engine.
An electric-motor-driven blower delivering air through the former steam supply pipework, at 500 millibar, 7 pounds per square inch, enables up to six engines to run. The mill engine “Agnes” can be run solo and slowly, on request and at one hour’s notice to prepare for running.
Museum development work is continuing.